Thursday, July 27, 2006

Are you there?

As I labor without respite way down in The Abandoned Mind, wielding pick and shovel with blistered hands, sending up tiny thimblefuls of raw thoughts to the surface for others to process, I find my only reward to be the comments tossed back down the shaft by the occasional reader. These might be “Hey, this hole is a menace; somebody should fill it in!” or “Doofus, you misspelled ‘Mine’!” Fortunately, most of the comments are more engaging and at times, downright fun.

Perhaps you’ve been following “the digs” down here, but have been reluctant to enter into the discussions for one reason or another. Well, here is a chance for you to post a quick comment and simply say “Howdy!” to let me know you’re up there. I think they call it “delurking”. At any rate it would be great to hear from you!

And now, back to the Mind…


At 7/27/2006 10:33 AM , Blogger E Rica said...

I'm not a true lurker. I do leave the occasional comment.

But for the sake of the moment: Howdy.

I love your blog. :)

At 7/27/2006 10:45 AM , Blogger Munkee said...

As I mentioned in the midst of yesterdays comment barrage, I'm glad you're blogging Father Michael. After checking The Bluecanopy, this is always the next blog that I check.

At 7/27/2006 10:51 AM , Blogger Mimi said...

Father, bless,

My apologies for not commenting. I read often.

At 7/27/2006 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My favorite new line is:

"There is a crack in everything,
That's how the light gets in"
- Leonard Cohen (Anthem)

Thanks for the interesting blog!

At 7/27/2006 12:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am also still here, though (mostly) silent :)

At 7/27/2006 12:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father, bless,

Forgive me for not commenting also. But I am an avid reader of your blog - mostly over my morning cup o' joe and during those precious moments when the Little One is napping. :-)

I'm with Erica - I love your blog!

When's the next Star Trek post?

At 7/27/2006 12:50 PM , Blogger Sean Reagan said...

Aside from your inspiring thoughts and convincing arguments, I especially enjoy the self-portrait in your profile.

At 7/28/2006 9:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it is quite an enjoyable blog. your spelling and grammar is wonderfully adequate! I check in every few days for some reading and encouragement.

tall irish priests are where its at.

At 7/29/2006 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Father Bless.

Hello Father, or as they say in the mind..."howdy". I read your blog regularly and I love it! Forgive me for not commenting recently... believe it or not, I am sometimes quiet!! I know that is a shocker. Anyway, I too am so glad that you are blogging:).

At 7/31/2006 6:17 AM , Blogger Terry (John) said...

I only recently discovered your blog. I enjoy it immensely and look forward to each new post. As I became Orthodox only last Nov. (former Prot.), your lessons are very beneficial to me.

At 7/31/2006 12:02 PM , Blogger Fr. Michael Reagan said...

Thanks all for taking the time to say hello and to post your comments. It’s encouraging to know there are a few regular readers out there.

I especially thank Maureen for her comments, which allow me to make the following remarks. Most of my relatives are Roman Catholic, and I can assure you I possess no nasty or uncharitable attitude toward any of them. I regard them all dearly, especially my mother-in-law whose faith and love is a tremendous inspiration and example to me. I would surely be the fool to imagine that the grace of God has not shaped her life, or those of the many other sincere believers outside the communion of the Eastern Orthodox Church.

It is precisely because of Christian charity that I feel we Orthodox are compelled at times to mention those things which divide us from Rome and her Protestant children, not in a triumphal way, but with humility and an eye toward the ultimate hope of reconciliation. I think such things matter to God more than the human tendency to enable continued division through glossing over our differences or pretending that we Christians are more united than we truly are.

As to the notion that we eventually will all be one with the Lord in heaven, I sincerely hope that you are right. But I see that judgment as belonging to God, not to us. For our part we are to pursue the love of God and maintain the bond of peace and of unity in the Holy Spirit.

At 8/01/2006 11:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Howdy !!! As I mentioned on Sunday, I love visiting your blog. It's one that I'm always sure to visit when I'm wandering the blogosphere. I greatly appreciate the wisdom you share.

At 8/02/2006 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fr. Michael, I too am a recent convert to Orthodoxy from a variety of backgrounds. You may like to "lurk" around my blog sometime.

Thanks for your postings.

At 8/03/2006 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Howdy-howdy-howdy (I'm a cowboy!) :-)

First time commenter, several times lurker.

Great blog - your "mine" is anything but abandoned! I haven't had time to read everything, but everything I have read has been excellent. As usual, you bring your succinct, insightful wisdom to those who need it.

Your friend and spiritual son-


At 8/04/2006 7:44 PM , Blogger deleted said...

Father bless.
Love The Abandoned mind!
Always stimulating and encouraging.
Keep it up Father Michael.
We're out here.
Love in Christ,
Peter Jordan

At 8/05/2006 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw shucks....I feel I need to chime in too. You indeed have found one of your callings...a master blogger. I know many people have benefitted from your words, including myself. Keep it up, hon.

Mrs. Abandoned Mind


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